Posts by Andra:

How to Compare and Contrast Poems Like a Lit Major
As if writing a more standard essay were not enough, your instructor slaps you with this: a compare and contrast essay. What makes it worse is that it’s about poetry—as if you know how to compare and contrast poems already. How does she expect you to completely...
14 Poems to Compare and Contrast Like an Expert
Ever heard the adage “don’t compare apples to oranges?” We all know what it means: comparing the two doesn’t make practical sense because they are very different. But have you ever stopped and thought about how you might literally compare apples and oranges?...
How to Analyze a Poem and Sound Smart Doing It
Despite what your grade-school teacher might have told you, poetry isn’t all hearts and flowers, especially not when you have to analyze a poem in an essay. When you delve into the realm of poetry, you’re much more likely to stumble into madness and decay,...
Araby by James Joyce: 8 Tips for a Literary Analysis
Ah, the infamous James Joyce, bane of millions of high school and college students, and now it’s your turn to face the coming-of-age trial: writing a literary analysis of Araby by James Joyce. You might be thinking “I didn’t sign up for this.” You might...
How to Control the Tone of an Essay
Though tone is slippery to nail down and might be one of the most difficult parts of a language to learn, managing the tone of an essay can make the difference between an “A” and an “F.” In fact, tone can also be the determining factor for getting...
How to Write a Book Report That Doesn’t Suck
You vacantly nod your head as your teacher keeps repeating the words, “It won’t be that hard. It’s just a book report,” but inside, you’re quaking. When was the last time you wrote a book report? Do you even remember how to write a book report? You look...
4 Tips for Writing a Powerful Personal Narrative Essay
After years of being told that you shouldn’t use “I” or other personal pronouns in your essays, you get to break all the rules! Here come the personal pronouns! Finally, a topic that is actually interesting to you: YOU! Finally, an essay topic that is actually...
How to Avoid Plagiarism in Your Essay Writing
You’ve heard your instructor rant, rave, and threaten about avoiding plagiarism since the beginning of the school year, but now that the first major paper is almost due, you are starting to panic. Can you plagiarize on accident? What counts as plagiarism? What...
When to Use First-Person Writing in Your Essays
The dreaded “I” word. How can one letter be so malignant when it comes to academic writing? It’s likely that many of your teachers and professors have drilled it into your head that using first-person writing in your essays will immediately result in another...