The Ways to Stop the Epidemic of Obesity in the United States

This is a paper about why the nutritional value of food in the United States has declined. The author starts the piece by mentioning Joe Cross, who was in the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. The author then discusses the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and weight definitions for a healthy weight and a weight that is defined as obese. Finally, the author highlights how three main events led to poor food quality in the United States. They are World War II (WWII), the invention of fast-food restaurants, and the Farm Subsidy of 1973. WWII led to the creation of preservatives for mass food production and rationing. To make food quickly, fast food restaurants started buying ingredients from farms with poor practices that include extreme pesticide and fertilizer use. Morgan Spurlock in Supersize Me was a prime example of what fast food can do to a person. The farm subsidy has also had an impact. It encouraged farmers to produce a lot more corn than they had before. The main by-product of corn is high fructose corn syrup, an artificial sweetener put into many processed foods.
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