The Rigid Social Structure Based on Religious Beliefs in the Ancient Mayan Civilization

This is an informational essay about the ancient Mayan Civilization. The author mentions the caste system based on wealth, inherited rank, privilege, and profession. The author also notes that Mayans were very religious, and their belief in gods shaped their daily lives. The ideological function of religion was to comfort individuals, unify society, justify wars, and demonstrate authority. Maya consisted of city-states with independent governments that included a king that ruled for life. Crimes such as murder, arson, and acts against the gods were often punishable by death. Mayans did not use a form of currency. Instead, they used valuable cacao seeds, salt, obsidian, or gold. Adults and priests arranged marriages between 16-year-old boys and 12-year-old girls. The Mayans ate nutrient and protein-dense food such as squash, pumpkin, manioc, tomato, sweet potato, corn, beans, avocado, papaya, and guava. Mayans wore fabrics made out of hemp and cotton and played a ball game filled with ritual importance. The Mayan culture has a rich musical and art history. Instruments were mostly flutes and drums, and the art was primarily religious-based. The Mayans also had an elaborate writing system made up of 800 symbols.
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